6 months and 1 day to go 'til Baltimore Fashion Week 2014

Today, I woke up with major white stuff [snow] outside my window, in front of my house, and all over the streets . . .what the ham sammich is going on out here.  Now I am not a huge fan of staying in the house and to MAKE me stay in because of a few sprinkles of the white stuff is absolutely ridiculous.  So, because of advise from 2 good friends; a model's mom and lead of our security team, I send this blog to you from the comforts of my warm bed.

The word on #Facebook is that I would be a cray-zoid if I went out in all of this snow, but at the end of the day I have mounds of work to do, and unfortunately at the present time I am the only being alive today that can do it.  No, I am not complaining, not at all.

People always say, "get someone to help you."  This is true, but there is a lot to be done and one project alone can take hours of time.  I have always felt bad asking for help, especially when I cannot afford to pay a person for their time devoted to MY dream.  I have felt that way since I started.  This is something that I created. No silly I am not talking about Baltimore Fashion Week and UNDER, I am talking about the work that goes along with the production phases surrounding this and all of  the events organized and facilitated by the Fashion Umbrella Foundation. Being Executive Director of the Fashion Umbrella Foundation, and Executive Producer of Baltimore Fashion Week and UNDER, I am not only doing the job of three people, but also managing several events, some of which that have not even been publicized yet.  You just wait there is soooooooooooo much more to come.

With Baltimore Fashion Week and UNDER, there is more to these events than just selecting models. If you do not mind I want to take you down my production lane.  

Where do I begin?  I was always told the beginning always works, right???

  1. Search for venue spaces.
  2. Schedule auditions/castings, fittings, meetings, interviews, etc. 
  3. Create and design ALL marketing materials.
  4. Create, design, and update all three (3) websites.
  5. Write, revise, and post 98% of all the press releases.
  6. Write, revise and post articles on the Examiner.
  7. Write all agreements and contracts.
  8. Maintain posts on Twitter, InstaGram, and 4 Facebook pages.
  9. Contact sponsors individually - and NO WE DO NOT USE COOKIE CUTTER LETTERS - EACH letter is individually written and no 2 letters are the same because of my business relationship with my sponsors they deserve nothing but the best.
  10. Maintain a open line of communication with the hotel, on a regular basis.
  11. Meet with stationary/card companies to discuss my invitation designs for the boutiques and buyers.
  12. Organize and facilitate workshops for the Fashion Umbrella Foundation.
  13. Selecting when and where all event locations will be.
  14. Figuring out who the Keynote Speaker will be for the Fashion Umbrella Foundation's Educational Honors reception to be held in 2015.
  15. Soon to be traveling back and forth to NY for meetings with press and media.
  16. Working on the theme for 2015 for all of our fundraising events.
  17. Think of creative, yet marketable membership drive campaigns.
  18. Create and design all marketing flyers.
  19. Work with team, staging, and lighting company to ensure a proper presentation is delivered.
  20. Negotiate contracts and YES I READ EVERY ONE and EVERY LINE.
  21. Post blogs.
  22. Review submissions and applications before forwarding them to the proper team.
That is just a smidgen of what I do.  And on top of all of that I help others with their dreams, while I am birthing other of my own.  

So to sit at home and do nothing is utterly impossible and will never happen as long as there is a laptop, I will always work. . . ALWAYS!!!

Keeping it real and in fashion while I do it . . . xoxo

