Promoting Your Business - I Finally Realized It's Okay


UNDER - Petite Fashion Show - All Models 5' 7" or SHORTER

When I started my business back in (covers mouth and mumbles the actual date) I used to think that it was vain to promote myself.  I used to think that promotion began with support from others and others talking about your business.  That 2 part definition is true, but self promotions are the key to any business' success story.

Select Designers Will Present Before Buyers

Think about it, if you own a business and you waited for everyone else to push and talk about your business you would have to be on their time, but in today's world if you do not do your OWN or SELF promoting you will be just another business sitting in the corner awaiting fir your name to be called.  Here is what I say to that, "Get out of that corner and yell to the highest skies I'M HERE, I'M HERE, I'M HERE" just like they did in "Horton Hears A Who" by Dr. Seuss.  Which I might add is one of my favorite authors.  Yes, he wrote children's books but think about "Oh The Places You Will Go," that one is my fav.  Okay my brain just went to the severe far right (grabs head and shakes it) . . . aaaahhhhh there it is.  I'm back on track now.

Pay A Small Deposit To Hold Your Space
Promotions and promoting are key elements to developing a brand.  If NO ONE knows you exist how will you as a business survive.  I had a friend to tell me just the other day (she knows who she is - I cannot list her name because she dislikes that to the 15th power) but she told me in a strong voice, "YOU NEED TO BRAND YOURSELF MORE YOU'VE EARNED IT."  I was really shocked and even more humbled by her comment.  That statement left me speechless.

In my mind, I used to think that promotional acts for oneself was a form or conceit.  Plus when I started my business I prayed to God to always remain humble and NEVER EVER forget where I came from. In my "I need your help maintaining my business" prayer (and I know I should not share this but we cool) I said, ". . . . . and should I ever become un-humble take it all away." Now you know, no one in in their right mind would say a prayer like that unless they truly meant it.  Well I do.  Being in business you learn the difference between being humble and being "taken advantage of" there is a GINORMOUS difference.

I guess I wanted to share that with you or anyone who needed to hear it.  I have been in business for  a minute (as the young folk say) and I have come to realize there is a huge difference and . . . IT'S OKAY.  So with that being said let the branding/promoting begin.

Wow, as I look back over the years, I must say, I, along with my team (past and present) have put in some hard work. I often ask myself when will I sleep?  As Tyler Perry put it, "I will sleep when I am dead."  

Before I hit publish, I want to say, thank you for your support, the belief in my business and myself. May God continue to bless each and every business owner.

We are not done yet, so stay tuned it only gets better from here. #noturningback #letsgo

Learning To Appreciate My Hard Work!!!


Fashion Umbrella Foundation - Member/Education Based Organization

Baltimore Fashion Week

UNDER - Petite Fashion Event
