JUST IN: Fashion Umbrella Foundation joins marketing forces with Xpozure Media of NY

The Fashion Umbrella Foundation and Xpozure Media have joined marketing forces on behalf of the 8th annual Baltimore Fashion Week, August 11-16, 2015.  Baltimore Fashion Week will be held at the War Memorial, 101 North Gay Street, Downtown – Baltimore, Maryland. 

To manage an event on the level of Baltimore Fashion Week is not an easy task to complete, but with the additional media resources provided by Xpozure Media the 2015 production is making the Foundation’s reach to states outside of the Maryland, District of Columbia, and Virginia area that much easier.

With marketing contacts in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Baltimore, San Francisco, and Paris, Xpozure Media has hit the ground running with a concentrated reach for press, designers, and models.

“Xpozure Media assisted in marketing campaigns for Baltimore Fashion Week in 2010, and did an exceptional job.  In returning back to our grassroots (War Memorial) it was essential for the Foundation to return with what worked and continue the relationship moving forward,” stated Nixon, Executive Producer of Baltimore Fashion Week.

Xpozure Media will work along-side the Foundations current public relations firm, Versityle PR in making sure that the 2015 event surpasses its previous productions over the past 7 years.

For more information about this event visit the event site: www.baltimore-fashionweek.com.  Press and media should contact Versityle PR (info@versitylepr.com).  Xpozure Media can be reached by visiting www.xpozure-entertainment.com.
