To Travel or NOT To Travel - That Is The Question

Hello, its me Sharan and I am here because I seeking advice advice on a really heartfelt topic.  I kinda sorta already know what the consensus will be, but because we cool I said, "why not hear what you have to say."

As the person in charge of Baltimore Fashion Week, you may already know just how stressful it can be. But did you know it can be emotionally draining as well?  Sure you did, so I will just continue on with my post.

This thought topic has been on my mind for quite sometime, but this is the part where I am requesting your advice.  As we move forward with the production phases my conscious kicked in as always and said, "are people really traveling all the way to  Baltimore to interview for a volunteer position?"  Well needless to say the thought alone was extremely humbling and I decided to implement a mandatory policy as the wheels of this production machine continue to move forward.

Beginning immediately, all artists, stylists or volunteers who wish to participate with Baltimore Fashion Week and live more than 2 hours away will not have to travel to interview in person, unless they desire to.  My feeling is if an individual lives outside of the DMV area wish to participate that is fabulous.  With all that fabulousity we as an organization should be accommodating to their living arrangements, especially travel. Now, I do not drive, nor do I own a car (SIDEBAR: #UBER, oh if you want a free ride up to $20 anywhere in the US use this code UBERBALTOFASHWK ), but I do understand the cost of living and with that level of intense understanding we as an organization have to exude a sense of humility that should be factored into the interview process equation.  Now whatever you do, do not ask me to solve a (math) word problem. . . .I mean it.

Some may say I think too much with my heart, and maybe I do.  Ok, become one with me here and for about 30 seconds put yourself in my shoes.  Now for an additional 30 seconds put yourself in their shoes.  See you get it!!!

It 's 2015 and with all the work Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs (may God rest his soul), did by surrounding us with this "gorge" thing called technology, I say, "WHY NOT?!?!" Why not use it in the most effective way to obtain the type of  individual(s) required to continue the success of this event "Q U A L I F I E D" individuals.  You never know the person who can't make it because of a childcare issue, or not having the money to travel, but really wants to could be "THE ONE."

So for volunteers, excluding models, do you think I am wrong in my assumption or policy implementation?  If so, I would love to hear from you because this is an area that I think should be discussed and should be practiced frequently.  Why not start with us?  Baltimore Fashion Week will be the guinea pig for this start-up.

Well gotta go for now.  Time to return to my love (Baltimore Fashion Week) he gets jealous sometimes.

In the meantime, stay fashionable and I will see you soon at Baltimore Fashion Week - August 11 - 16, 2015. (

Thank you for your time.

Sharan XOXO
