To Write or Not To Write That Appears To Be The Question

So allow me this brief moment to answer it.

As a business owner, producer, and in my own right a visionary as I call myself, when does a person like myself find time to write.  I guess now like I just did.  There is so much going on in my head that it is hard to sometimes take a brief minute to share it all with you.  My major question should be, "to share or not to share", now that is the ultimate question.

To see the number of views on my posts is amazing and so heartfelt.  I oft times wonder if this is how the great bloggers started with the lapse in writing and then a sudden step into their own reality.

I vow to write at least one blog a week.  My business consultant tells me that I should write as often as possible, especially since I like to.  He says,
"for a person as visual as you are and since you say you love to write use your blog to share your thoughts."  

My response was, "sometimes my thoughts are not as grand as others may think." He just looked at me and smiled.

Well here goes the beginning of my business fiscal year and the beginning of my so called writing introduction.  I hope you enjoy . . . JUST SHARAN.

