Emerging Designer segment returns in 2016

Marketing for  Emerging Designer Showcase

August 12-14, 2016 will launch the return of the Emerging Designer Showcase during the 9th annual fashion fundraising/production Baltimore Fashion Week.

This is not your normal Emerging Designer Showcase.  The Emerging Designer Showcase is only open to middle and high school students who have an aspiration to become a fashion designer.  These individuals at such a young age possess the skillset to construct a wearable and sellable garment. 

Registrants who apply for the Emerging Designer Showcase must be a currently enrolled in a middle/high school. Selected designers will be required to design, construct, and showcase 10 fashion runway looks on live models provided by the Fashion Umbrella Foundation. 

The selection process is based on the applicant’s level of creativity and construction techniques.  Panel members will select the top 3 designers.  Members of the fashion community worldwide will have the opportunity to vote and select the winning designer. 

The 3 designers selected will be invited to showcase on opening night of Baltimore Fashion Week on Friday, August 12, 2016.  The winner will be announced on August 12, 2016.  The winning designer will receive fashion industry tools required for creating a fashion collection. 

Registration ends March 31, 2016.  Register online through the Fashion Umbrella Foundation's website - www.fashionumbrella.org.

Young designers no need to be of fear.  Kick that fear out the window and register.  You never know you just may win.

