From the Runway to a Publication

Watching "The Devil Wears Prada" opened a new side of me and I knew I wanted to step into the journalistic side of my soul.  After watching the movie over 1,000 times I realized that a publication would be the way to enter into that side of me that lay dormant.  

Then after watching the "September Issue" I realized I would be better off just staying in my own lane by creating programs for youth in the category of education and the arts and organizing our fundraisers, with Baltimore Fashion Week being the organization's largest annual fundraiser.  I said to myself, "Oh well a girl can dream can't she?" So that is what I did I always dreamed of running a major fashion publication, but guess what dreams come true.

August 2, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. EST my dream, came true with the announcement that your girl, ME, Sharan Nixon from around the way was the NEW Managing Editor for Linger Magazine.  Although I knew about the announcement when I actually read it all I could do was cry.  Well, I couldn't do the ugly cry because in about 15 minutes I was going LIVE on a television interview and I did not want my eyes to be red or ruin my naturally beat face.  

How amazing was it that although I teared up the host could see that something was going on?  She said, "I can tell by your eyes are you okay?"  I just smiled and had to fan my face to keep the tears from falling and I informed her of the good news MY DREAM COME TRUE!!! She said, "I am so happy for you, you must be ecstatic."  I replied, "I am" and we started the interview.

To be Managing Editor means that I am the gatekeeper for Tiffany Tate, Editor in Chief of Linger Magazine. What a responsibility.  Here I am thinking it was just reviewing "THE BOOK" as mentioned in one of my favorite movies of all times and when I was informed of that all I could say was WOW!!  

The onboarding into my new role was amazing and I was sooooooo ready for it.  It's amazing how life has been the past few years with dreams after dreams coming true.  

Who would have thunk it!!

The position invited head-spinning deadlines around the monthly publication.  Yup, it is just like the movie and THE BOOK is a real thing - trust me.  Let me tell you how this position is the BOMB DOT COM.

Always Thinking & Creating Along The Way

