A directive less followed leads to non-participation

Photographer: Jay deVries

On November 1, 2017, notification was distributed via a press release that the Baltimore based BANY agency was back and registrations hit an all-time high for the program managed by the Fashion Umbrella Foundation  With this high influx of registrants, came the disappointing task of denying registration forms due to the lack of reading and NOT following directions.

"BANY only accepts certain images.  If unsure, see "Image Submission Requirements" above.  If correct images are NOT submitted, the registration form will be denied."

History always has a way of repeating itself in one form or another, so with this reoccurring logic, it was critical to add the above language. Because we know how excited people can be we even added examples for the type of images required before a consultation/interview can be scheduled.

Before BANY went into restructuring mode, the agency was known for its no-nonsense work ethic as a talent agency in Baltimore.  Demands of talent were high, but project lists were memorable.

Working on a few projects now the demand for great talent has caused the organization to lift its bar even higher.  BANY is looking for good, reliable, mature, and manageable talent.  Not requiring the upfront costs or fees as most agencies in the DMV area, BANY is only looking to market talent that is ready or has a potential for work.  BANY is currently growing its database with the reinstatement of former and the invitation of new brands, businesses, and organizations seeking great representation for its products and services.  The directors of the program have hit the ground running to manage these requests.

What some of you may not know is that "yours truly" is one of the directors of the program. Anyone who knows me knows that I only want the very best for everyone.  Requiring that everyone put their best foot forward for brands we work with also requires that in order for talent to be accepted as the talent of BANY may not be easy.  The cliche of "oh I know Sharan I got this in the bag" or "I have worked with her before so this is gonna be easy" may not be the right attitude to have when registering.  Think of my role as a person you have never met, or better yet look at it as applying for a job.  If you are a yes from the application (the registration form), getting through the interview process is the next step.

BANY is a non-exclusive talent agency, but also provides marketing guidance too.  Being a talent of BANY means, if a project comes in or if a brand is interested in a talent registered with BANY that talent MUST be available to work.  NOTE: BANY only offers its talent (members) PAID GIGS.

Until next time . . . . CIAO!!

