Fashion Umbrella Foundation Creates an Art Infused Judgment-Free Platform for High School Students

With so many recreation centers closed in Baltimore city, the Fashion Umbrella Foundation along with recording artist from Baltimore, Nelly Hendriiix have created a program that offers a judgment-free space devoted to high school students who have an appreciation for the arts and live performances.  The program dedicated to this group of individuals is the Fashion Umbrella Foundation’s Youth OPEN Mic Series (#BmoreYOM).

An interview, with Chance The Rapper and Gayle King on CBS This Morning, sparked the idea to inject a program like Social Works Chi’s “OpenMike” in Baltimore.  Social Works Chi, is the Chicago-based non-profit organization co-founded by Chance The Rapper.  Social Works Chi’s mission is to empower youth through the arts, education, and civic engagement while fostering leadership, accessibility, and positivity within the youth throughout Chicago

The Youth OPEN Mic Series is for students in grades 9th through 12th.  Each student will have three (3) minutes to perform.  Students can recite, cipher, dance, showcase, or play an instrument.  Anything under the category of the Arts is accepted, as long as the performance is not longer than three (3) minutes.

“As I was on my way to an appointment the interview with Chance The Rapper and Gayle King stopped me in my tracks.  Not only am I a fan of the two individuals, but I am also a huge fan and advocate for youth.  Here in Baltimore, there aren’t many outside activities available to high school students and especially those that are FREE, so we [Nelly Hendriiix] and I thought why not and so we did.  We are very excited about this program for youth.” 

Students from the following high schools and universities will perform Saturday. September 15, 2018.  Seniors who graduated in June 2018 are eligible to perform in the September 2018 event only.

Baltimore City College
Coppin State University
Franklin High School
George Washington Carver Center for Arts & Technology
Patapsco High School
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School
Shepherd University
Thurgood Marshall Academy

The Youth OPEN Mic Series is a monthly program and scheduled on the first Saturday of every month through December 2018.  The September performances are Saturday, September 15, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. at the War Memorial building located at 101 North Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

To register for the Youth OPEN Mic Series program or to find out more information visit the website
