Fashion Umbrella Foundation Gears Up For Its Online Course in October

The Fashion Umbrella Foundation, through its learning initiative Fashion Umbrella University (a non-accredited entity) is preparing for its first e-course of the 2019/2020 curriculum year.  The next course scheduled is Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. EST.  The course title is Sponsorship 101.

The Sponsorship 101 e-course is part of the Event Management curriculum and moving the class to an online setting, allows the Fashion Umbrella to continue providing learning opportunities to its members, youth, the arts community, and business owners alike. 

Having taught courses for learning institutions in Maryland was the creative ignition for the online learning portal.  Although the Fashion Umbrella University is not an accredited entity yet, we did not want to wait until that process was completed to begin.  With over 15 years of knowledge and experience in various subjects, the courses will share a different viewpoint on tackling many obstacles, whether life or business.  I am excited to be a part of this educational footprint the Fashion Umbrella Foundation is creating,” 
In 2020, the online portal for the Fashion Umbrella University will allow students to create a learning environment specific to their needs. Each course through the online portal will offer a true learning experience complete with tests that will generate a certificate upon passing.  The Fashion Umbrella University e-courses will offer learning opportunities for employment, workforce, and business development, marketing, and the arts.

 Although the online portal of the Fashion Umbrella University is not open for registration yet, students that take courses before the portal opens its online doors to the public will receive a certificate of completion in the meantime.  By having this process in place course replication is eliminated.

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