Free School Supplies For Teachers

As I was reviewing the Back-to-School REFRESH Grant, I noticed the registration numbers were really low for a program like this.  So I reached out to one of my teacher friends and she stated that, teachers are busy enough but to have them write a 500 minimum essay is too much work.  After that convo guess what this mind-of-all-minds did . . . she reduced the word count.  The word count has been reduced from 500 to 100 words for the essay portion of the application.

The Back-to-School REFRESH Grant (BTSR) is a grant started after my own heart.  I started this grant when I established my foundation, the Fashion Umbrella Foundation.  The BTSR is another one of my babies started to help someone else.  I remember as a single mom how hard it was raising my sons alone and handling the bills, but to keep replenishing school supplies, I am not gonna lie sometimes they did go WITHOUT!  That really bothered me to see my sons not being prepared for school, but they did alright and got really good grades. 

Growing up I always wanted to be a teacher, just so I could write on the chalkboard. I always thought my handwriting was fabulous (oh in case you didn't notice that was me tooting my own horn - TOOT TOOT).  

Helping others is another reason why I began the Foundation.  Most of the organization's initiatives (programs) derived from inner feelings and have a personal story behind each of them.
I have oft times hear teachers saying they do not receive adequate supplies for their homerooms or students.  The BTSR is here to hopefully absorb some of that frustration.  I personally, purchase each year between August and October as many school supplies as I can get my fingers on and what my wallet will allow.  The supplies are personally provided by me, Sharan Nixon.

Although, I cannot control how parents spend their income, I can at least help a teacher out with a FEW students.  In our BTSR package ONE lucky teacher will receive these supplies: composition books, pens, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, paper, and one subject notebooks.  My hope that the recipient and the students will appreciate this effort.

If interested the ONLINE REGISTRATION ENDS: JANUARY 31 at 11:59 p.m.  No other registrations will be accepted after that date and time.  Registration is easy and EVERYTHING is online.  To apply for the grant visit the Fashion Umbrella Foundation to complete the form.  Remember its just 100 words.



  1. Is this limited to a specific geographic area?

  2. No it is open to ANY SCHOOL TEACHER within the U.S. Thank you for asking.

  3. . . . I forgot to add that has a homeroom and educates grades K - 6.


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