Location for Baltimore Fashion Week 2015 Announced

PICTURE: End of Runway Seating
The search for a host venue for Baltimore Fashion Week 2015 has been a long drawn out process, but with several walk-throughs at a various venue locations, and meetings with the Executive and Advisory Boards of the Fashion Umbrella Foundation (“Foundation”) a decision has been made.  

Entering into an 8th production season/year is not as easy as most may think, but the Foundation was destined to keep the fashion community alive in Baltimore.  

By way of this publication the Fashion Umbrella Foundation is pleased to announce that the War Memorial building is the 2015 location for Baltimore Fashion Week. Runway shows will run August 14, 2015 through August 16, 2015.  This is a familiar location for the event and the original hosting venue for years 2008 and 2009.  

“It's exciting to see the Fashion Umbrella Foundation, through Baltimore Fashion Week, working diligently for several years to pioneer initiatives that assist in creating even more opportunities for local and upcoming designers. This year is no different.  The organization is returning to where it started, the War Memorial, which has such a historical significance.  A lot of thought went into making sure designers have new and creative ways to showcase, that will further leverage exposure for their brand.” stated Patricia Freeman, Executive Board Fashion Umbrella Foundation.

PICTURE: Full View of Auditorium
Events leading up to Baltimore Fashion Week will consist of a Sponsor Appreciation Luncheon; Designer Installation Buyer Media Event; Baltimore Fashion Week Mixer; and Baltimore Fashion Week Celebration Party culminating to a series of runway shows featuring designers at the main event.  Tickets for Baltimore Fashion Week will be available March 1st.  This year the Foundation will facilitate one model call on April 18th and the designer registration ends April 30th.  

Visit the website and find out more about the War Memorial.  Download registration forms for Baltimore Fashion Week.  Visit the Fashion Umbrella Foundation to become a member or find out what initiatives and programs the Foundation has in place.
