About Last Night and The Winner Is?

I place my hands around my mouth in a circular format and yell at the top of my lungs “BE EXPOSED RADIO.  Congratulations. Yaw did that!”

Anyone who knows me knows I am a homebody and the strongest introvert you probably will ever meet.  But in the line of work I need to get out more, so I did it – I went out and outside of the votes - I was their LUCKY CHARM!!!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017, marked the 7th annual Baltimore Music Awards (BMA) held at the Downtown Cultural Arts Center.  This was my first time attending the BMA and it was pretty cool.  I was there to support my colleagues BeExposed Radio with hopes of them winning in the category of “Radio Station of the Year” and they won!!!

The first time I heard of BeExposed Radio was when I was invited for an interview on behalf of Baltimore Fashion Week.  This was waaayyyyyyyyyyy before the FashionUmbrella Foundation.  I along with a model attended the interview produced and engineered by Karl “Monny” Wiley on his show “Talk Lately.”  It was awesome and I was truly impressed with the set-up.  The set-up and broadcasting style was “real studio-ish” – if that is even a word *well it is now.*

The fashion police were not in attendance last night, but some may say they should have been. I thought some of the looks were unique.  However, I would like to share a word of caution to the ladies – please check for sales tags and inventory sensors prior to hitting the red carpet - not a good look.  A look I did like was Nate Couser’s (host of "The Artist Exchange Show") tie.  The design and layout was eye catching and an item hopefully available for sale on his Etsy page soon.  I love wearing neckties. I think it’s extremely sexy in more ways than one.  Support Local - Support Often.

BeExposed Radio offers various marketing opportunities for any size business.  From ad placement to an online commercial slot get your brand or service noticed.  Being a client of BeExposed Radio, I love the results the Foundation receives from our marketing investments with this station.  Email them for details.

Again congratulations to the entire broadcasting family of BeExposed Radio for winning “Radio Station of the Year” and  to all the winners of the 2017 Baltimore Music Awards.

Until next year. 

Stay Productive with Love.



  1. OMG We love you and Thanks you for the article. Onward and Upward to 2018. But first, I will be on the beach in the Dominican. Thanks.

    1. And once again going without me, but it's all good. You definitely need to celebrate after that win. Again Congratulations - you all work hard and I know because I have seen it first hand. YAY!!!


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