Don't Help Me, Said No One Ever - Bullying It Goes Deeper Than One May Think

Image Courtesy: Employment Services & Solutions Australia

This weekend, I was someone’s soundboard.  First, I was honored that I was entrusted with their personal story, but I was also surprised at the numerous accounts of workplace bullying going on.  Maybe I’ve had a blind eye towards it because I eliminate it at first sight, but hopefully this post will help those who reached out to me, and others who may be experiencing this type of treatment and are thinking, “this is just the way life is.”

Bullying is defined by Merriam Webster as using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.  In the workplace, this takes on a different meaning and identifier that some may not see as bullying, but maybe as “they do not like me” or “they are being mean.”  Sometimes people are put in the category of acting like a “B”.  For the sake of my readers, B can be defined however you wish, but I am sure we will agree on the same word.

Workplace bullying is one of the strongest forms of intimidation because a person’s financial livelihood is at stake.  The bullier (manager or supervisor) knows that invoking fear in the employee, the project/work request will be done without any hesitation.  To me, it’s sad on both parts.  The bullier for having an umph this is right and the bullyee for thinking this is how it should be and there is no recourse.  STOP IT RIGHT NOW THE BOTH OF YOU!  This is not how life should be.

For anyone who may be experiencing this form of bullying, there are options.  In doing my research, I found a great site, The Balance.  Under its human resources (conflict resolution) the section was the best advice ever.  It even provides a concentrated definition from a workplace POV (Point-of-View).
Outside of what The Balance listed, my only other recommendation would be to “nip it in the bud” at first sight.  There is a way to say EVERYTHING in life to get the required result, but bullying in any form is never the answer.

I know, this was a little bit off-kilter, but I had to share my thoughts on this subject.  You never know who may need to read (hear) this.

Until next time.  Stay Focused!

