Baybee It's Cold Outside

Image Courtesy of Google Images

Baby It's Cold Outside

Although, today in Baltimore it’s not snowing, it might as well be with a wind chill factor of -15° below.  But, I did not write this post to discuss the weather, well not really.  I wanted to discuss the need for proper outerwear when it’s this cold.

This morning on my personal Facebook page, I ranted about cute versus warmth.  I know . . . I know it may seem a bit harsh, but I know good gosh darn well you are all thinking the same thing I discussed as I wrote my status.  Here is the question, “why is she standing on the corner with close to nothing on and freezing all for the need to be CUTE?”  I could respond by saying, all for the love of fashion.  Even though that may be true, you can be fashionable and warm all at the same time.  

Check out the top half of my image.  Yup fashionable and cute!  Now let’s get to my post on Facebook.  The language has been slightly altered for better reading purposes.


Ladies, if you catch the bus or any other form of public transportation this message is for you.  Even if you just get out of your car to wait for public transportation this too can apply.
I am sharing this because it really bothers me.  As you can see there are no images posted of any one or several individuals, so I feel free to mention this.  LADIES IF YOU SHOP AT RAVE, RAINBOW, FOREVER 21, DOTS, BODY CENTRAL, or even WET SEAL the coats purchased from these stores are SHOW COATS.  When it is a -15° outside that is not the time to be cute.  You can be cute when you take your coat off.  In -15° weather you need to pull out the coat that keeps you warm and it may not be the most FASHIONABLE item, like your WET SEAL coat, but guess what you will be warm.

“Ooooooh chile your nails are nice.  I love that ring,” but guess what your FINGERS ARE FROZEN.  Wanna know why because you are trying to be cute and did not wear your gloves or mittens.

“I am feeling that natural style you rockin,” but your ears are FREEZING.
Did you know in the winter the majority of your body heat comes out through your scalp?

So in closing, ladies wear your hats, gloves, scarves, and that NOT SO FASHIONABLE COAT and beat the cold weather.  Guess what you may not look as cute as your bus buddy, but I guarantee you’ll be a lot warmer.

It’s winter . . . WOW THEM WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR COAT OFF . . . I DO!!

Now that was not meant to belittle anyone, but to let all my fly fashionable ladies old and young know that #Burlington and the #BoulevardBoutique have some pretty fly coats AND they are warm – IJS!

I hope this helps.


