My Absence Is Due To My True Love

Please allow me to explain. This little production machine has been working on several projects and my absence was caused by occurrences that are close, near, and dear to my heart. I will do anything to keep my LOVE, my DREAM, and my VISIONS alive.  Next to my family my businesses are my TRUE LOVES.

This blogging stuff! As I say that, visions of the character Miranda Priestly's (Meryl Streep) line from "The Devil Wears Prada" rings loudly in my head.  Come on now you remember, when Andy (Anne Hathaway) said, "I am still learning this Stuff," Miranda nearly blows a gasket as she utters the word again, "Ssssssstttttuuuffff."  Yeah I know, but anyone who knows me knows I have watched that movie over 600 times and have listened to it in the background as I worked at least, if not, twice that number.  It was so bad that I had to purchase a new DVD.  What did you just say what did I do with the old one, honeee I kept it.  Well as you can see to keep it plain and simple, I LLLOOOVVVEEE THAT MOVIE!!!

Okay back to the blog, sorry I got off track.

I started the blog to keep you up to date with my daily occurrences, then I decided to have it focus on my babies the Fashion Umbrella Foundation, UNDER - The Petite Fashion Showcase and my baby who is growing every so nicely, Baltimore Fashion Week.  Maintaining and nurturing my loves is not a easy task, but I would not trade it for the world.  My visions keep growing day-by-day and this 9 to 5 I work is not what I envisioned after retiring in 2009, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

So, just give me a few minutes while I bring you up to date of what I have been doing since my last post:

Fashion Umbrealla Foundation  - Wooo Weeee . . .where do I begin - I guess the beginning is always nice, so here I go.  I'm working on several initiatives and really want to kick them off this year, so to make that happen that means that sleep, fun, and relaxation OUTSIDE the state of Maryland in not in the cards right now.  I just said right now, not EVER.

The Fashion Umbrella Foundation (TFUF) was started as a member based organization with a huge philanthropic emphasis around work-life-balance, professionalism, and my FAV . . . E D U C A T I O N.

  • TFUF offers its members and the community educational options that includes the Fashion Umbrella Foundation Scholarship Award offered to college students on track to receive an Associate Arts or Bachelors degree in certain subject.  Subjects are defined more in the actual scholarship packet.  

  • TFUF will also host the Educational Honors a program for high school students who have a 3.0 GPA and perfect attendance.  I know it may seem strange, but in today's time for students who achieve good grades and maintain perfect attendance should be recognized. 

  • Another initiative is the Back To School: REFRESH.  So much emphasis is made for students before school starts, and that's good, but TFUF feels that something should be done for those students once those supplies provided have been depleted.  This is where the Back To School: REFRESH kicks in.  To begin this initiative we will be awarding one elementary school homeroom supplies for those students.  Teachers are encouraged to send in an essay telling us why their homeroom should be selected.  For 2014 the organization will select one school.  Additional school opportunities will be added as the organization grows.  

On top of all that . . . I am working diligently on UNDER - The Petite Fashion Showcase, which is April and Baltimore Fashion Week in August.  UNDER is the petite fashion showcase devoted to the petite consumer. These fashion fundraising events are now organized by the Fashion Umbrella Foundation.

Oh by the way, all of the forms for the Fashion Umbrella Foundation listed above will be on the site by February 1, 2014.

See to be doing all of that and work a 9 to 5, five days a week, then working when I get is not easy, but hey somebody has to do it, so why not *insert grin here*

The Story Of My Life . . . Still To This Day! *sigh*
I heard you and I listened, so "The World According to Sharan" will resume its regularly posting schedule on a daily basis.  Now I ask that if I should skip a day, know that it was because of one of my loves and not intentional *insert whining voice tone here*.

Will you ever forgive me for my absence?  No, really that was a question. *in my Miranda Priestly voice*

Well off to the next project, until tomorrow.  SMOOCHES

Stay Fashionable.

