Personal Hangups

Photo By: JDH Photos - Baltimore Fashion Week 2012
Hello, and thank you for visiting my blog.  For those of you who are visiting for the first time, I am a writer and lover of words *at least in MY mind, * but I love to express myself in ways others find weird or unique.  I like unique better don’t you?

Today started off a little differently.  One of my favorite designers, Wyntress Abraham shared on Facebook her reunited love for Jeremy Scott and tagged me in it.  Let’s take a few minutes and discuss why this was key. 

Wyntress is a unique designer.  Unique in a way that she creates on a boarder line of Alexander McQueen and Jeremy Scott infused together.  I don’t think she realized that until now.  She may not be as intense as they are yet, but her last collection during Baltimore Fashion Week (Uh Oh I just did a shameless plug) was amazing.  Remember fashion is the highest level of art form, well at least to me.  Now let me get back on track *squirrel*.

With Wyntress mentioning Jeremy Scott I called on my fashion documentary godparents M2M to save my day and give me just a tad bit of sunshine, and as usual they never disappoint me.  They provided a Jeremy Scott documentary that I have never seen before. 

Within the first few minutes of the video I fell in love with an object that I thought was so incredibly odd that I just had to have it.  I know you are saying to yourself, “what was it?”  Well let me tell you.  It was a hanger. YES - A - H A N G E R.  You read it right a hanger, but not just your normal everyday run of the mill hanger a personalized hanger with his name, the name Jeremy Scott.  When you watch the video, you will see it.  I was at lunch when I saw it and ALL EATING CEASED and my search was on to find that hanger. 

Photo Courtesy of:  Ki'ona's Custom Hangers

To my surprise the search ended quickly when a gentleman by the name of Robert Kelly tagged his colleague Kiona-imissBryan-Miguel in the post and my heart was over-joyed.  

Kiona is the fabulous owner of Ki’ona’s Custom Name Hangers –Bridal Hangers by KionaHangers.  Huneee let me tell you how I was a little apprehensive because I thought the price would be out of my budget.  You know we have the Gala and Impact Awards coming up (another plug) and the coins are all devoted to that event on March 23, 2017.  But the hangers are fabulously and delightfully affordable.  Who Knew?!?! 

Ki’ona’s Custom Hangers is located on Etsy and are so precious.  Don’t believe me take a look for yourself.  I made it easy for you just click here.  Gorge right?  See I told you.

Well after all that excitement its time for me to end another post.  Had it not been for my love of Jeremy Scott, the documentary support of my fashion fair godparents M2M, and the post by Wyntress Abraham, none of this love for a H A N G E R would have been birthed.  Just think had it not been for the post earlier, I, you, we would not have known about Ki’ona's Custom Name Hangers – well maybe.

Check her out.  You will not be disappointed.  What a great gift.

Well I’m done for now.  Until my next post.  Take care of yourself, stay focused, always remember to keep it fashionable and create your own style.

XOXO – Nixo!
