The Grammys or Bust

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Many of us don’t even know that we have a star in our hometown, Baltimore, Septimius – The Great or Septimius Marlowe.  Whatever name you use to address or greet him, soon you may be able to call him a Grammy winner.  With several category nominations one being best dance song from the Grammys, in my mind he has already won.  Remember I called it and you read it here FIRST!!

I have known Septimius for several years, since 2009.  With a person that has as many mentions, awards, nods, and now nominations that he has, he is the most humbled person I know.  Come on now,  we all know that once a person starts to get just a sprinkle of shine they start actin’ all funky.  Oh, I must be the only one to have experience that . . *cricket sounds.*  Any who.

Actual Grammy Awards Invitation
Mr. Septimius will be headed to the Grammys soon and my charge to you is to go out and purchase his music.  You can cop that *that’s what the young cats say* on iTunes.  I listened to his tracks this morning during his live interview on RatedGRadio out of Los Angeles, California, and I could not stop bouncin’ in my chair.  I had a personal dance club office party going on sssshhhhh don’t tell my supervisor. 

If you missed him on RatedGRadio this morning, you can catch him at the Fashion Umbrella Foundation’s gala as Septimius – The Great and opera singer Carmelita B perform their duo LIVE *insert event plug here – done!!* 

If you can’t wait that long you can catch Septimius – The Great, you can meet him at his Grammy party, next Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. at the RL Hotel on Redwood and Calvert.  Come dressed to impress because the Emperor of Fashion will be present to observe us all.  He will also be LIVE on my radio show soon Unconventional Dialogue soon.

I have my look ready, you got yours?

Until my next post.  Remember: Always be true to yourself.

Love Ya!

Nixo XOXO 


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