I woke up finally embracing the NATURAL me.

Many of you are friends or follow me on my Facebook page (Sharan Nixon), know I often speak about my trials and tribulations with my natural hair state.  Yes, I have cursed at it.  Yes, I have thrown combs across the room because I want that soft manageable texture back in my life.  And lastly, YES, I have stated that I want to drift back into the land of the creamy crack, that ever so soft and mushy between my finger feeling, the infamous PERM (insert mystery soundbite here).  Well today I woke up with a different outlook on hair life.

Last night I played hair stylist in the mirror with my blow dryer and hair.  Unfortunately, due to the misplacement of my phone, I have no images, but for those who know me you know the styles were a bit out there.  I took the initiative and BLEW DRY my hair out.  Yup I can and am happy to say that it is officially growing.  Now the actual measurement, I am not that sure of, I was too excited over the length and the excitement of falling in love with my hair that I didn't even think to measure it.

Now, that I am embracing the NATURAL me, that does not mean that I will not switch up.  So do not be surprised if one day I have a reddish brown (was feeling down and out, so I colored my hair on Super Bowl Sunday) plucked Afro and the next time you see me, it is past my shoulders.  Being me I like to switch up my styles and until my hair reaches the desired length which is past my shoulders (humm I say give it another year and I will be there) I will do whatever it takes to continue to make me feel sexy.  Please do not take that statement to say, "I do not love myself" that I do, but going Ol' Naturale took a minute and last night is when I fell in love with my natural Natural (when you say it you have to say it just like the actress Sanaa Latham, from Love and Basketball) and this morning I made love to it.

Here is where you come in.  I have a really good friend who is natural and ONLY uses home made hair applications for her hair, but hey she's a chemist, so she knows how to mix that kind of stuff.  Me because of my schedule I am a get it already pre-made type of chick.  Currently, I am using PURE SHEA BUTTER and it seems to be working well, but I miss the curly textures.  I found a couple of packets of Miss Jessie's Pillow Soft Curls, gonna try that out today, but if you know of any product that has worked for you and you live by it, please share with a sister.

Well, I guess that's it for now.  Gotta get for Le Job.  Yeah, that's what I call it to bring a little bit of happiness flair to my life.

Any suggestions or comments?

Keeping it 159.8% real - Your Girl,



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